W3C Disability Access
JTM website provide access for Persons with (Disability) / Disability Access.
A) Consumer visually impaired;
You can get the Page-Reader here.
1.Before you can use this component, you must download the MS Speech API. If you use Window2000, changes are that your system already has these components.
2.You also need at lease one Speech engine. Speech Engine is the 'voice' can be male or female, who will speak in English or other languages.
For futher instructions for use component, please click here.
B) Consumer Elderly;
For users of the elderly, there JTM website provides a diffrent text size options .
Text size options are displayed in the room on each page website JTM. Users can choose whether to select the text size langer or smaller, according to suitability.
Text type options are displayed in the room on each page website JTM. Users can choose whether to select the different type of text, according to suitability.