Question - How many ILJTMs are there?
There are a total of 29 institutes under JTM to date; comprises of 22 ILPs, 6 ADTECs and one JMTI.
Question - - Are the courses offered in all ILJTM the same?
No, they are not. However, there are ILJTMs offering same programmes at either the same or different levels.
Question - Where and when can I obtain the application form?
ILJTM students' intake is made two (2) times annually in which the registration will be held on January and July. Application received after the dateline of the session will be processed for next session admission. Application is online via official JTM website (Malaysian Skill Certificate (SKM) and Energy Commission Certificate (ST) Leavers Programme) without using ID Unique Number and at UPU official website (SPM Leavers Programme) using Unique ID Number.Unique ID Number can be purchased at any nearest Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) at RM 10.60.
Question - Are the courses accredited by the DSD (JPK)?
Yes, all courses offered in ILJTM are accredited by the Department of Skills Development (DSD) and in addition, students are also taught additional key subject which would enable them to be more competitive in the work environment.
Question - What are the durations of the courses offered?
The durations are between 6months to 3 and a half years, depending on the level enrolled in, whether it is at certificate, diploma or advanced diploma.
Question - What is the age limit to enroll in ILJTM?
In line with the motto Life Long Learning, JTM has set no real age limits for enrolment, but due to ineluctable reasons has set the ages between 17-35 years as the general age limit for enrolment. Those who do not fall under the age limit could still other customized programmes drawn up by JTM.
Question - Can ILJTM graduates further their studies?
Yes, there are opportunities for ILJTM graduates to pursue further studies either in ILJTM s or in other institutions which offer similar vocational training and education.
Question - Do the courses offered by JTM guarantee jobs?
All courses conducted are based on standards set by the Skills Development Department. The courses have been tailored to suite the private and industrial sectors. According to JTM statistics, 80% of its graduates are employable in various industries within 6 months.
Question - What are the types of courses offered in ILJTMs?
The courses offered emphasize on vocational education with 60-70 % skills training and about 30-40% of theoretical education.
Question - Does JTM provide similar courses to IPTA/IPTS?
No, JTM is only involved in the providing of skills training programmes to produce trained workers to meet the demands and needs of industries.
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